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Mese: Aprile 2023

VENERE IN CORNICE – Una colonna per sdraiarsi sulla temporalità / A column to lie down on the temporality

Per Giulia Carcasi, il legno è solo in apparenza fermo, giacché sottoposto al lento logorio delle pressioni interne. Diversamente la ceramica si rompe subito, facendo (bella?) mostra dei suoi cocci, alla caduta. Il pezzo di legno, quantunque artistico, sarebbe meno pregiato? Forse no, perché esibendo subito la propria bellezza (e come nel caso della ceramica), si rischia paradossalmente di “frantumare” il desiderio di contattarla, a volte anche per curarvi i piccoli difetti. La fotografia di Ola è in bianconero. Lei ha posato sulla stretta mensola d’una parete, ed all’esterno d’un palazzo urbano. Non è una situazione molto comoda… Pare che la mensola appartenga ad un’intercapedine di legno, che ha le tavole orizzontali. Ola indossa una corona di fiori bianchi, sulla testa. Questa esteticamente “s’opporrebbe” alla sensualità nera delle calze e dei tacchi. Non è chiaro quanto si percepisca la “lenta pressione” del matrimonio, evitandone la routine. Con questa, noi intenderemmo che la passionalità iniziale (ai corteggiamenti) si rendesse “puramente ombrosa” (all’affezionarsi). E’ una fotografia in cui molti elementi (la parete, il vetro, la corona, la vestaglia ecc…) si percepiscono quasi di ceramica.

According to Giulia Carcasi, the wood is only apparently fixed, because it is subjected to the lengthy wearing away of the inner pressures. Conversely the ceramic breaks immediately, making a (fine?) show about its shards, falling. Would a piece of wood, although artistic, be less precious? Maybe not, because if the beauty is immediately exhibited (and like in the case of the ceramic), paradoxically we run the risk of shattering the desire to contact that one, sometimes also to correct there the flaws. The photography of Ola is in black and white. She posed on the narrow shelf of a wall, and on the outside of an urban building. This is not a situation very comfortable… It seems that the shelf belongs to a cavity wall in wood, which has the horizontal planks. Ola wears a crown of white flowers, on the head. This one aesthetically “would be opposed” to the black sensuality of the stockings and of the heels. It is not clear how we perceive a “lengthy pressure” of the marriage, avoiding its routine. Through this one, we would mean that the initial passionateness (with the courting) is become “purely shady” (becoming attached to our partner). This is a photography where many elements (the wall, the glass, the crown, the gown etc…) are perceived almost in ceramic.

Linguistica Italiana – Minimi linguistici in “Fontamara” di Ignazio Silone

  • 1. Introduzione:

Ponendo come massima d’ispirazione generale, ed assunto fondamentale del carattere d’indagine, l’idea che il socialismo sia naturalmente intrinseco alla classe proletaria[1], appare necessario conciliare questo caposaldo con un accurato ricamo del tessuto linguistico quando la finalità è quella di romanzare la realtà contadina di un piccolo paesino, fondato interamente sul lavoro nei campi ed improvvisamente portato in rovina dall’oppressione fascista. Tale è lo spirito fondamentale del romanzo Fontamara di Ignazio Silone, pubblicato nel 1930 in Svizzera[2] con l’intento di raccontare, in termini vagamente autobiografici ed amaramente ironici, una realtà in cui l’autore stesso crebbe, da cui scaturirono gli ideali rivoluzionari che lo portarono ad aderire nel 1921 al Partito Comunista (Cassata in Silone 1978:7).

A Rationalistic Conception of Mysticism

(1) We were not supposed to be born like beasts.

Particularization on (1)

(2) I was not supposed to be born like a beast.

Dante + Logic + Me

Introduction – Rational Mysticism and Theory of Eternal Truth

Since I formulated the first conception of the theory of the free creation of eternal truths,[1] I immediately realized that I was opening the door to a peculiar form of mysticism. This was not an appreciated opening, to be fair. Any rationalist is, by very nature, against any principle that gives up the capacity of reason to formulate its principles and derive its theorems. However, the theory appeared to be compatible with a specific version of mysticism when it comes to how the truths are, in fact, generated.

Already the name of the theory seems to be against the tastes of analytic philosophy. Moreover, it has a specific universal afflatus, which is usually lost in the current philosophical production. To be more precise, it is left to the continental philosophers, who are well known to be as general as vague. Digging into a topic such as mysticism will bury the theory under all the tastes of current analytic philosophers, among which I still place myself – though I am open to any form of deep thinking. The eternal truth theory wants to be what philosophy used to be: a universal view of the world from nowhere, a vision, an inspiration, but also a consistent conception of the world. This is not welcomed anymore, and I, myself, see why. Philosophy exhausted these kinds of approaches between Greek and modern philosophy when the archetypical visions of the world were formulated. From that moment on, after Nietzsche, let’s say what can be done is to refine the portion of those visions better and better. It is a process of continuous refinement and improvement, not of invention, so to speak.