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Mese: Marzo 2020

How COVID-19 impacted Scuola Filosofica?

How COVID-19 impacted to Scuola Filosofica (Philosophical School – – Philosophical Blog? Before giving you the data, the state of normalcy of SF was 1500/2000 unique visitors per day with peaks in the middle of the week (Monday-Wednesday and Sunday) and down on Friday and Saturday (with a 30/40% of decrease). SF has more than 10 years of existence, 35 authors, +1150 web pages, 10 technicians, and it is active in the main social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin – through the Team) but the visitors are heavily based on google researchers (95% of all the traffic). So, above is a daily graph of the last 2 months and a half (26 Jan – Today). It must be said that SF knew a constant increase of its unique visitors since its inception. It increased every year steadily and, sometimes, with impressive jumps ahead as in the last year (300.000 unique visitors). However, along with COVID-19 SF boomed, even though this boom has to be coupled with the speed-up technical arrangement due to the excess of average time of page generation (more that 7 seconds). Interestingly, now that the page generation time felt to slightly less than a second (0,85%) the number of bounces (one page view) jumped from 30% to 80% but the average time of visit is now to 3′ minutes and a half.

Is a chess player and intelligence analyst? – Chess and intelligence

FelixMittermeier –

Pili, Giangiuseppe, (2019) “Is a chess player and intelligence analyst? How to learn from chess how to improve intelligence analysis”, American Intelligence Journal, Vol 36, Issue 2, 74-85

It is with a distinct pleasure and honor that I announce my last publication in the esteemed American Intelligence Journal – The journal for intelligence professionals! AIJ is one of the oldest American journals of intelligence studies and it is one of my favorites. When I read the email today my heart jumped (safely!, safely!). For a young researcher in the field of intelligence grow up with the documentaries of the WWII, and personal appreciation for what US have done during the Cold War, I couldn’t have been more happy to see my name inside that journal. I want personally to thank again many people that helped me in delivering the paper: Michael Landon-Murray (assistant professor), Claudio Selleri (Le Due Torri, Publisher), Herman Grooten (IM, trainer and great chess writer), Uberto Del Prato (CM, and environment intelligence practitioner), Roman Kolodii (intelligent and careful reader), Matteo Canini (neuro-psychologist who provided the psychological literature about chess and intelligence), and last but not least the editor of the journal, professor William Spracher. Thank you all for all your help and support!

Improving your business awareness through philosophy – Structured Classification Analysis for Little Business Firms

Interested in the project? – Write us & ask for it!

Project denomination – “Improving your business through philosophy – Semantic Classification System for Little Business Firms” – Ontological Pizzeria! – Ancora dei Baruffi – Pizzeria Storica

Partners & Organizing Institutions – Azione Filosofica (Cultural Association), Scuola Filosofica (Blog & Social Media), Ancora dei Baruffi – Pizzeria Storica (Restaurant – Take away)

Project Manager – Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

Project Roles – Project Manager, Analyst, Ontological Designer & Video Maker + External Referee

Philosophical lessons learned these days

As my embedded philosophical attitude is hard to die, after long days in shock and shut eyes, I try now to consider some lessons learned directly from my experience.

First, people were irrational in the past and they are still irrational in the present. No matter of what we tell to ourselves in this “technological” age, there will be still irrationality among us. This is true everywhere but it is especially true in places in which there is no way to ground a rational open debate without getting out with fear of being considered a dinosaur. Irrationality is the plague of our time, the time of the human beings. We should fight it with all our intelligence but the reality is that intelligence is not much, artificial or human, especially when a certain threshold of spread fear and panic are already inside most of the minds. There is no way to consider numbers and facts because the behavior is so far from logic that the only thing you can do is to try to keep calm, breath and think clearly that life is not in your hands. Therefore, others’ life is not in your hands either. 

The mystery of capitalism is doing things with documents


In this post I analyze briefly why the mastery of documents is a necessary art in the age of technology. Documents are indispensable for the very existence of capitalism and it is how we express our own capital. However, the nature of documents (their ‘ontology’) is quite complex but it can be easily understood with a bit of curiosity and perseverance. Finally, I will consider how to apply the lessons learned in order to maximize the impact of your own capital.



The title of this post is basically a combination between two titles The mystery of capital and “How to do things with documents”. The first is a book written by the Chilean economist Hernando de Soto (1941), which is a cornerstone of the economic development in the third world. Instead, “how to do things with documents” is a Barry Smith’s slogan which is a paraphrase of the John Austin’s philosophical masterpiece How to do things with words (1962), which was the first attempt toward a philosophical foundation of the speech acts. For instance, saying “check” in the appropriate time and circumstance count as an action on the chessboard. Smith is a philosopher that “left the mothership of philosophy” to land to something different, something closer to computer scientist than anything else.

Giudizio morale, come acquisiamo i concetti di bontà e cattiveria?

Acquisiamo molto presto determinati concetti di bontà e cattiveria morale che poi manteniamo per tutta la vita? Oppure acquisizione e sviluppo della facoltà di giudizio morale sono caratterizzati da radicali cambiamenti nei concetti morali fondamentali?

Ad affrontare queste domande è uno studio sperimentale recentemente pubblicato sulla rivista Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, firmato dai ricercatori dell’Università di Trento (Polo di Rovereto) Francesco Margoni e Luca Surian.

Lo studio riporta che anche i bambini più piccoli, di soli tre anni, in un compito adeguatamente semplificato, riescono a esprimere un giudizio morale che riflette la presenza in loro di concetti morali che secondo alcune teorie dovrebbero svilupparsi solo qualche anno più tardi.

Ma andiamo per gradi e vediamo come questo dato sia rilevante per valutare opposte ipotesi relative allo sviluppo del giudizio morale.