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Tag: Virgilio Ilari

Virgilio Ilari on the Italian Society of Military History | Intelligence & Interview #12 – Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

Approved by the Author

It is not merely a service to the beloved Italian Society of Military History. It is not only an interview with a friend. It is a pleasure and an honor to bring the Italian Society of Military History to international readers. I was enrolled (a term that Virgilio will love) to SISM after the suggestion of a colleague of mine. It was already 2014 when I was almost publishing my crazy extended monograph on the philosophy of war (2015), which is now in the magnificent Ilari’s library, which is an institution itself. Indeed, Virgilio managed to collect more than 20.000 books on military history, intelligence, war… and what else? I see just a piece of it. A daunting but rewarding experience that always reminds you of how much was written in the past. Thanks to the Italian Society of Military History, I had the unique opportunity to be part of a super-active Italian society in which I met interesting people. I consider friends at least five members of the SISM now, Virgilio of course stands in a different podium! During these years, I published two book chapters in the SISM annual publications, I attended conferences and book launches. For all these reasons and more that is not the place to explore, I’m grateful to Virgilio for having found the time to be part of the series of interviews “Intelligence & Interview”. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Giangiuseppe Pili, Virgilio: thank you!

Intelligence e Scienze Umane – Mario Caligiuri (Ed)


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E’ stato scritto che un uomo del Medioevo, che viveva in una società povera di informazioni, ma ricca di principi guida, aveva un senso critico più sviluppato dell’uomo contemporaneo che vive in una società sovrabbondante di informazioni, ma povera o morta di valori: e questo spiega la facilità con cui tanti abboccano ai richiami di maghi, fattucchiere, imbonitori televisivi, venditori di merci assurde o improbabili.[1]

Roberto de Mattei

Intelligence e Scienze Umane è una collettanea di saggi pubblicata da Rubbettino (2016). Gli autori sono tra i massimi esperti del settore e non soltanto: Giorgio Galli, Virgilio Ilari, Mario Caligiuri, Gerardo Iovine, Francesco Sidoti solo per citarne alcuni. La multidisciplinarietà dell’approccio scelto per trattare dei problemi dell’intelligence, in particolare dell’intelligence nel contesto propriamente italiano, è mostrato sia dalla tipologia dei contributi presentati, sia dalla varietà di esperti chiamati a proporre il proprio contributo. Il risultato, dunque, è un’opera utile e affascinante allo stesso tempo.