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Philosophical Action – Statute – English Version

Azione Filosofica (Philosophical Action)CF 92253560921IBAN IT34O0303204801010000305108

Do you want to join us? – Feel free to write –

Motto of the association

We have the courage to use all our intelligence

Social offices at the time of foundation

Coordinator =  Coordinator = Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

President = Mr Giacomo Carrus

Secretary and auditor = Mr Wolfgang F. Pili

Councilor = Mr Riccardo Scasseddu

Councilor = Ms Laura Baire

1. Name and registered office

The constituent association “Philosophical Action” (Azione Filosofica) is officially abbreviated with the letters (AF) and is founded on the basis of the blog “Philosophical School” (Scuola Filosofica) from which takes up ideals, practices and aspirations. The registered office of the association is in Cagliari. At the time of foundation, the association does not have its own registered office. All initiatives are non-profit.

2. Mission – Values ​​and Ideals

2.1 Ideals and Constitutive Values The cultural association (AF) has as its ideals reason, culture and democracy which imply the full recognition of the constitutive values ​​of freedom and fraternity between human beings.

AF was born with the aim of promoting culture in all its forms without institutional, ethnic, racial or any kind and type of barriers that can in any way detract from the constitutive values ​​of the association.

2.2 Inspiration of the AF association explicitly rejects any form of aristocracy, that is, the privilege of a few claimed on a basis contrary to its values ​​(see 2.1) whatever they are. For this reason, AF promotes active collaboration between the members, the free and total circulation of ideas, the membership of associates (whether they are individuals or collective social partners) regardless of their social, economic, cultural and institutional background. AF recognizes as members all those who reflect themselves in its ideals of reason, freedom and fraternity, without further constraints and barriers.

2.3 General mission AF intends to recognize a pre-eminent value to any type of initiative that falls within the associative values. AF promotes the activities proposed by the members, who are invited to share and disseminate their cultural initiatives.

AF intends to promote a model of positive human rationality capable of transforming ideas into action to defend those ideals of reason, freedom and brotherhood and, therefore, of culture and democracy established in this statute. Anyone who is part of AF recognizes the importance of defending these values ​​with the explicit purpose of committing to carry on the conditions of their full and total implementation.

3. Membership of the association AF accepts any single or collective member, be they institutions, companies, associations (et similia) on condition that they demonstrate that they know, actively accept and promote the values ​​of the association (see 2).

AF members are required to participate in associations as far as possible and in reference to their fields of interest and have the right to participate in the association’s assemblies.

Membership lasts for one year.

3.1 Invitation AF accepts and invites members to involve other individuals (individuals or collectives) within the association, subject to acceptance by the board.

3.2 Self-promotion AF accepts and invites all social partners (individual or collective) to join at the known conditions (see 3). This kind of request must be submitted to the AF council, and must be accepted by the president, unless the council explicitly opposes it. In this case, the president prepares a vote to judge the case, in which the decision of the majority of the voters will be valid.

3.3 Honorary membership Only members of the council (see 4.1) can propose honorary members, who are intended as particular prestigious figures who can promote and/or increase the prestige of the association. The honorary membership can be granted on condition that the proposed honorary members respect the ordinary social clauses and it must be approved only by the president or coordinator or by the board of directors (see 4).

3.4 Membership fee is defined as membership fee that is the sum paid by the member at the time of registration which will be used to carry out membership activities. [For the moment (out of the chart) the amount is established as follow: 20 for students and unemployed, 40 for standard members (one year) or 50 for students and unemployed and 100 for standard members (three years)].

4. Organs of the association

4.1 Council AF is structured on the council made up of the following associative figures: coordinator, president, secretary and auditor, two councilors.

4.2 The president The president is the executive reference of the association and has the duty of designing the association’s strategy and its implementation, accepting and listening to the members’ proposals. The president has the duty to share the members’ proposals with the council and, in case of controversy, to convene the board to settle the dispute by majority vote of the voters. The president convenes the ordinary meeting once a year. The president is the legal manager and legal reference figure of the association and has the right to propose to the council a motion for expulsion from the association. The office has a three-year term.

4.3 The coordinator The coordinator is a reference figure whose purpose is to inspire and follow the good work of the association. He has the right to vote on the board of directors and is a member of it by right, with the task of inspiring, coordinating and facilitating the activity of AF. It lasts six years.

4.4 The secretary and auditor of the association The secretary and auditor of the association has the task of drawing up the association’s budget, managing its tangible and intangible assets, drafting and updating the members database, and supervising the work of the council with respect to the statutory rules defined here. He has the right to vote on the board of directors. The office has a three-year term.

4.5 The councilors (2) The two councilors have the task of evaluating the activities proposed to the association, providing active support within it and participating in the operational meetings. They have voting rights on the council. The office has a three-year term.

4.6 Board of the council It is the ordinary assembly of the council which is convened by the president on his own initiative or at the request of any member of the board itself. The board of the council is convened by email and/or instant messaging systems within the fifth day prior to it.

(a) It has executive and regulatory value with respect to deliberate decisions.

(b) The meeting has associative validity only with the active participation of all the members of the college, even remotely. If a member is unable to participate, he/she has the right to delegate another member by email communication to the president. This power of delegation is denied exclusively to the president and the coordinator.

(c) Voting can also be carried out remotely provided that all members deliberate. Abstention is not allowed in direct voting.

(d) The board of directors can modify the statute of the association on condition of majority of the voters and after having made the members deliberate on the matter. The modification of the statute passes if the shareholders’ meeting agrees with it. Limited to the shareholders’ meeting, the majority required for amendments to the articles of association is set at three quarters of the voters. Limited to the council, voting can also take place remotely. In the event that the two resolutions do not have a univocal outcome, the coordinator has the task of interpreting which of the two results is more consistent with the original values ​​of the association. It is understood that in case of unanimity of the two resolutions, the coordinator has no additional right of interpretation and decision.

(e) The board of directors has the power to confer defined associative roles (of annual validity) to associates.

4.7 Ordinary Assembly AF undertakes to organize an ordinary annual assembly in which the council

(I) presents the results achieved; and

(II) the financial statements are shown and discussed;

(III) the activities of the members are recognized (whether they are individuals or institutions);

(IV) proposals and reviews of association activities are listened to;

(V) the future strategy and activity is envisaged.

Upon expiration of the offices of the council, the ordinary shareholders’ meeting elects the new members of the board. In the event of a tie between two or more candidates for the same office, the board of directors elects the new member (s) by majority vote.

The ordinary meeting is convened by email and / or instant messaging systems within the thirtieth day prior to the same. Members can delegate the vote to other members by explicit request by email sent to the president or coordinator.

4.8 Extraordinary Shareholders ‘ Meetings Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings can be set up if a member of the council submits subject matters of utmost urgency to the council itself. In this case, it is the responsibility of the president to convene the meeting as soon as possible. The extraordinary meeting is convened by email and/or instant messaging systems within the thirtieth day prior to the same.

4.9 Extraordinary assembly of the board of directors As in the previous paragraph but only for decisions requiring the intervention of the board of directors only and not of the remaining associative body.

The extraordinary general meeting of the board of directors is convened by email and / or instant messaging systems within the fifth day prior to the same.

4.10 Definition of associative role AF explicitly recognizes associative roles within it. They are generally defined as activities characterized and defined for purposes and methods related to the strategic plans of the association. When proposing the recognition of an associative role by the president, the objectives of the role that the member undertakes to pursue are explicitly defined. In the event of non-fulfillment of the commitments made, the shareholder is deemed to have lapsed from the role covered.

4.11 Expulsions In cases of evident gravity, it is possible to proceed with the expulsion of members who have conducted public actions contrary to the values ​​of the association, where “public action” also includes linguistic acts that are clearly in violation of the values ​​of the statute. The expulsion of any member can only take place at the official request of the president and after the vote of council by a majority of the voters. It is understood that this request has the burden of highlighting the violation of the statute giving all the evidence in his/her possession.

5.Election of corporate offices

5.1 Eligibility conditions The offices are open to all adult members (+18) on condition that:

(a) they have been part of the association for at least four consecutive years;

(b) they can demonstrate that they have led their membership permanence actively, or in accordance with the statute (see 3), for at least two years, even if not consecutive. “Active participation” means having held an associative role (see 4.10);

(c) in the case of candidacy for the position of coordinator, the candidate must have held at least one position of the board of directors.

5.2 Election The election of all the offices of the council takes place by voting by all the members present.

5.3 Reiteration of offices The offices have a three-year duration (with the exeption of the coordinator, which is a six year office). If there is no proposal to change the positions of the board of directors, or none of the members (external to the group of the outgoing council) proposes to contribute to the offices, it is understood that the offices are automatically renewed as previously indicated, thus maintaining the same board of directors.

5.4 Vicariate In the event that a member of the board of directors makes an official request to the president of forfeiture of the office through a specific form sent by email to the president, the latter temporarily assumes the vacant role by undertaking to convene the extraordinary members’ meeting within 35 days order to elect a new member of the council. In the event of absence of candidates for the office, the burden of the election falls on the board of directors which is obliged to meet for this purpose within seven days of the above shareholders’ meeting. In the event of the resignation of the president, the office is temporarily assumed by the coordinator with all the above obligations.

6. Foundation of parallel associations In the spirit of the project, it is possible to found a group associated with AF. For the foundation of a new independent group it is necessary to fully marry the values ​​and procedures established in AF.

The name of the nascent association will have the name “Philosophical Action” and the name of the local city or town “AF – Milano” (ex).

To start a new association:

(a) it is necessary to have a council consisting of five members whose prerogatives are defined by the AF statute;

(b) the president of the board of directors of the new group must have been part of AF for at least two years and have a proven active participation in the project activities or have held an associative role (see 4.10);

(c) the nascent group must fully assume the statute defined by AF and can make changes to the statute, which counts as its own and distinctive, only in agreement with the board of directors of the founding group, which must vote in this sense and express a judgment with majority; furthermore, no group can modify the section relating to the values ​​of the association (see par. 1 & 2): any modification in this sense would be tantamount to the immediate rejection of the association as part of the constellation of associations AF;

(d) the groups associated with AF have an obligation to coordinate with others and make their initiatives public and transparent;

(e) It is understood that any proven violation of the AF values ​​implies the entire disqualification of the group that loses all the rights to take advantage of any connection with AF and its affiliated groups.

7. Extinction of the association In the event that it is not possible to found a council or the critical threshold of 5 members has not been reached, it is understood that the association is extinguished and that the residual patrimony will be given entirely to charity and the remaining charges liquidation of tangible and intangible assets are the responsibility of the president or coordinator.

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